Category Archives: Bird Opening

Groningen 2012 Rd2-Piasetski(CAN)

Here is an action packed game from Piasetski(CAN) from Rd2.

IM Piasetski,Leon

White invites a non-theory game with 1.f4 and black responds with 1…e5 inviting a tactical duel.

Piasetski,Leon(2310)-Gormally,Daniel W(2495)
From’s Gambit[A02]
SFG 2012 Groningen(2),12.05.2013

Position 1
This situation is a bit murky. If white is not careful, his uncastled king will be the cause of problems. What should white do now?

White to Play


Position 2
White is insome difficulty with his king caught in the center. How should black continue?

Black to Play
